The revolution of 1848 started on the day of 15th of March, hence it is a national holiday marking our identity, in addition it is also the Day of the Hungarian Press. Pilvaker makes sure to put up a worthy show every year to celebrate this significant day hand in hand with Hungarian poetry. This music video based on the poem ‘Magány’ (‘Loneliness’) by Attila József was shot as the Red Bull Pilvaker 2019 teaser. Ticket purchase was open right after the release; more than 12.500 tickets were sold out in less than 2 hours! Music: Komjáti Ádám “Joeker”
Lyrics: Deego, Fluor, Szakács Gergő
Dance artist: Kiss Rebeka Petra
Client: Red Bull
Director: Blik Dániel
DP: Balázs István Balázs